Production of seafood in Turkey in 2023 increased by 18.6%

The production of seafood in Turkey in 2023 increased by 18.6 percent compared to a year earlier – up to 1 million 7 thousand 921 tons. Such Days of the Institute of Statistics of Turkey.

At the same time, 38.4 percent of the production of fish and 3.3 percent of other seafood is provided due to catching in the sea, 3.3 percent due to catch in internal waters and 55 percent due to cultivation at aquaculture.

Last year, the volume of fishing and seafood has increased by 35.5 percent. The production of these products through the catch amounted to 454 thousand 59 tons, and the volume of fish and seafood grown at the aquaculture of fish and seafood – 553 thousand 862 tons.

Compared to the previous year, seafood catch increased by 39.4 percent, and fishing in internal reservoirs increased by 0.8 percent.

The volume of the caught sea fish amounted to 387 thousand 115 tons. Most of all were caught anchovies – 273 thousand 915 tons. In second place in terms of the volume of the tsat – 45 764 tons, and in the third – Sardin (17,311 tons).

Last year, the production of fish and seafood due to growing increased by 7.6 percent. 399 thousand 529 tons were grown in the seas, and 154 thousand tons of these products in the internal waters.

Most of all in the inner waters grown trout (154 thousand 6 tons), and in the seas – Lavrakp (160 thousand 802 tons) and golden spar (154 thousand 11 tons).