Prosecutor General Of Russian Federation Igor Krasnov Arrived On Working Visit To Pyongyang

Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov on Monday, July 22 arrived on the first working visit to Pyongyang.

According to the press service of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, this is the first visit of the Russian Prosecutor General of Russia to the DPRK.

At the ramp of the aircraft, the head of the Russian delegation was met by representatives of the leadership of the Central Prosecutor’s Office of the Korean People’s Democratic Republic.

Russian and North Korean prosecutors have been supporting a constructive dialogue on the basis of the cooperation agreement signed in 2010 for more than 10 years, the department noted.

On the eve of representatives of the supervisory authority and the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense, they gave a course of lectures on the main directions and the specifics of the Russian prosecutor’s office in Pyongyang.

In the capital of the Korean People’s Democratic Republic, Igor Krasnov will meet with his colleague and discuss the issues of bilateral cooperation with other officials.

It is also planned to sign a cooperation program between the Prosecutor General of Russia and the Central Prosecutor’s Office of the DPRK for 2024-2026 and an updated cooperation agreement.