Prosecutor General’s Office of Russian Federation sent requests to four countries in connection with undermining of “northern flows”

The Prosecutor General of Russia sent additional requests in connection with “terrorist attacks against the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens”, including the separation of the Northern Stream – 1 and Northern Stream 2 gas pipelines. This was reported on Monday, June 3 reported in the telegram channel of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

“Despite the existing facts, the competent authorities of the United States, Cyprus and France did not investigate the circumstances of financing and other assistance in committing these acts of terrorism, and the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany are evading the fulfillment of their international obligations to cooperate with the Russian Federation,” emphasized in department.

The report says that the identified countries are participants in the International Convention on the Combat Bombing Terrorism of December 15, 1997 and the International Convention on the Combating of the Financing of Terrorism of September 09, 1999.

“In this regard, they are obliged to take measures to investigate terrorism and its financing, as well as provide maximum assistance in investigating such unlawful acts, including assistance in obtaining evidence necessary for the proceedings,” the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office said. >

In additional requests, attention is drawn to the need to take measures to fulfill their international obligations to counteract terrorist activities and its financing, organizing the investigation of the facts of unlawful activities and bringing the perpetrators to criminal liability.