Prosecutors Generals Of SCO And OTG Gathered In Bishkek

In the state residence of Ala-Arch in Bishkek, the XXII meeting of the General Prosecutors of the Member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) ended. This is reported by the book “Kabar”.

Prosecutor General of the Kyrgyz Republic Maksat Asanaliev noted in his speech that today’s meeting was devoted to an extremely relevant and significant topic – “The role of the prosecutor’s office in the conditions of the modern world and the era of digitalization: the experience of the SCO, however, new threats and ensure human rights.”

“This topic reflects modern challenges and opportunities facing the prosecution authorities of our countries in conditions of quick technological progress,” he said.

During the event, the Prosecutor Generals of all SCO member countries summed up the results of the meeting and signed the meeting protocol, which reflect the main directions of further cooperation. The signed protocol includes coordinated measures to strengthen interaction between the Prosecutor General of the SCO countries, as well as strategies for improving law and order and security in the region.

The chairmen of the next meeting of the Prosecutors Generals of the SCO countries passed to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The III meeting of the Council of General Prosecutors of the Organization of the Turkic States (OTG).


The event is attended by the General Prosecutors of the Member countries of the OTG and the heads of the Secretariat of the OTG.

It is expected that as part of the meeting, the participants will make statements and reports on the topic “Strengthening cooperation of the General Prosecutor General of OTG to effective response to modern global challenges”.

III meeting of the Council of General Prosecutors OTG is held under the chairmanship of Kyrgyzstan.

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov made a video message to the participants of the meeting of the General Prosecutors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and meetings of the Council of General Prosecutors of the Organization of the Turkic States.