Prospects For Cooperation Between Turkmenistan And UNICEF Discussed In Ashgabat

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdymuhamedov met with the new constant representative of UNICEF in Turkmenistan Jallpa Ratna. This was reported by the Turkmen State news agency TDH.

During the meeting, the current state and prospects for cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN Children’s Fund were discussed.

Active cooperation with authoritative international organizations, and primarily with the community of nations and its specialized structures, is one of the main directions of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan, the meeting said.

In addition, the successes of bilateral cooperation were noted, including the election of Turkmenistan by a member of the UNISEF Executive Council for 2024-2026.

“At present, our partnership is carried out within the framework of the UNISEF Country Program for Turkmenistan for 2021-2025. This year ten documents have signed with the ministries and departments of our country, including a work plan in the field of children’s health, nutrition, early development, social provision and inclusive education, ”the President of Turkmenistan emphasized.

During the conversation, it was noted that the legislative framework in the field of children’s protection is constantly being improved in Turkmenistan, in particular, a national plan of action for the exercise of children’s rights in 2023-2028 is approved.

Discussing the current state and priority areas of further joint activity, the interlocutors emphasized the importance of continuing close cooperation in the field of procurement of vaccines and equipment for the immunization of children.

“Caring for children, the formation of a healthy and wide -thinking young generation is one of the main goals of our state policy,” said the head of Turkmenistan.

At the end of the meeting, Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed the interest of Turkmenistan in the further continuation of a comprehensive partnership with the UN Children’s Fund.