Putin: Russian Federation And DPRK Will Continue Joint Efforts To Strengthen Strategic Partnership

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulation to Kim Jong-un on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the formation of the Korean People’s Democratic Republic (DPRK).

In his message, the president expressed sincere congratulations and emphasized high relations between the two countries based on the traditions of friendship and good neighborliness. He noted that this was also confirmed by recent constructive and substantive negotiations in Pyongyang.

The president expressed confidence that Russia and the DPRK will continue to joint efforts to strengthen a comprehensive strategic partnership. This, in his opinion, meets the indigenous interests of the peoples of both countries and promotes security and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the North-East Asia.

In conclusion, the president wished Kim Jong -un of good health and success, and all citizens of the DPRK – peace and well -being.