Putin: “Sanctions against Russia were inevitable, country will cope with them”

Western sanctions against Russia would be introduced “one way or another”, as they were introduced over the past many years, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with members of the Russian government.

“I have no doubt that these sanctions would have been introduced anyway. One way or another,” as they were introduced for many years, “said the Russian leader, his words brings Sputnik.

According to him, the sanction pressure on the country was always. Currently, it has a comprehensive nature and creates certain difficulties for Russia: “But we also overcome these difficulties in previous years, overcome them and now. It is necessary to pass this period. The economy is definitely adapts to the new situation.”

Vladimir Putin pointed out that in the Russian Federation, work on import substitution will continue in all directions. This will lead to an increase in the independence, independence and sovereignty of the country, says the Russian president. “We are well aware that many countries have already adapted to live, bending the back and endlessly by taking all the decisions of their sovereign. Russia cannot exist in a miserable condition and humiliated state,” said Russian leader.

thanks to the members of the government, and Russian leading companies, the difficulties will be overcome, the Russian president is confident.

Vladimir Putin stated that Russia fulfills its obligations on energy supply and not to blame for price increases. The growth of the cost of energy resources in Western countries is associated with their own miscalculations, the Russian President “And the prices are growing there, but not our fault – this is the result of their own miscalculations, there is nothing to dump us,” Putin quotes RIA Novosti.

Putin also stated that Russia is not going to “close” from anyone and is ready to work with those overseas partners who really want it. “We ourselves are not going to close from anyone. We are open to work with all our foreign partners who want this,” Putin’s statement by Interfax.