Qatar sent field hospital to Libya

Katar authorities ordered to send a plane with the field StatePalian StatePaline to Libya, which suffered from strong floods.

This was announced on the social network X, the official representative of the Foreign Ministry of the country Majid al-Ansari.

According to the post, the field hospital is provided by the Catarus Development Fund.

Air vessel using Benghin’s international airport in Bengham International Airport.

There are also medicines and foods provided by the Red Crescent of Qatar, as well as a search and rescue squad.

As a result of the strong floods that fell on the eastern coast of Libya, caused by the Daniel cyclone, more than 5.2 thousand people died in the city of Dern.

The natural disaster caused serious damage to the infrastructure, many residential buildings, hospitals and other civilian facilities are flooded. Operations on evacuation and searching for missing are continuing.