Rasim Musabekov: “Isfandiyar Vagabzade – Mudak”

“Vagabzade in Baku – no one. And his statements for the authorities have no meaning.” This was announced in an interview with the Russian newspaper “VIEW” by the deputy of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Rasim Musabekov, commenting on the scandalous statements of the ex-ambassador of Isfandiyar Vagabzade.

“In my presentation, Isfandiyar Vagabzade is a man of absolutely non-diplomatic behavior and looks. He is just an asshole, despite the fact that he held high posts and was ambassador in many countries,” Musabekov believes.

The deputy is confident that the offensive statements of the former diplomat will in no way affect the relations of Baku and Moscow.

“I do not think that Azerbaijan builds relations with Russia based on all the nonsense that Vagabzade pricks. He is in Azerbaijan – no one. And his statements have no meaning. You can praise it or scold, but vagabzade itself does not represent Interest neither for state bodies of Azerbaijan, nor for most Azerbaijani citizens, “the interlocutor concluded.