Religious Foundation Of Turkey (TDV) Was Provided With Hassle Of 760 Orphans In Syrian Idlib

The Religious Fund of Turkey (TDV) provided Swarf 760 orphans in Syrian Idlib.

All the needs of orphanages where hundreds of children who have been orphaned as a result of a civil war in Syria are located will satisfy the TDV partner organization – the SELAM EVI Association based in Pakistan.

So, in the orphanage of Beetyseli there is everything for the convenience of 170 children – a park, a football field and a basketball court, as well as a cultural center where numerous events are organized.

The TDV regional coordinator in Syria Muhammet Furkan Topchu told Anadolu that he accepted 230 mothers along with orphans.

According to him, in the cultural centers of orphanages for pupils, training in foreign languages ​​and computer courses is also organized.

“The costs of maintaining villages for orphans are covered on an annual basis. All expenses, from the most special needs to the most elementary ones, including grocery bags, blankets and especially coal in the winter months, are covered by our fund in cooperation with the Association of SELAM EVI help”, he said.

Children go through all the levels of training – from kindergarten to lyceum

Topchu said that shelters also function in security structures, administrative and rehabilitation groups. “Here, children go through the stages of training from kindergarten to the lyceum. After graduating from high school, we prepare them for university exams. We continue to support them while studying at the university,” he said.

According to Topch, until the age of majority, children are placed in separate houses with families, 216 houses have already been built such houses.

TDV coordinator thanked all lovers of charity. “Our Prophet said:” I and the trustee of the orphan will be in paradise (as close) as these two fingers. “We work, relying on this hadith,” he said.

Hadis – a legend about the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, affecting the various religious and legal aspects of the life of the Muslim community.