Report: United States Does Not Intend To Aggravate Relations With Turkey Due To PKK/YPG

The PKK/YPG terrorist organization is trying to imagine itself as a “legitimate democratic player” through the organization of the so -called local elections in the regions controlled by the group in the north of Syria. However, the United States, which terrorists count on this issue, do not want tension in relations with Turkey due to PKK/YPG against the background of the current geopolitical situation.

This is stated in the report of the representative of the Umran Strategic Strategic Research Omer Ozkinizilchik called “The unsuccessful attempt of YPG to hold the elections – will the organization choose an alternative to Damascus?”


The document notes that the terrorist organization carried out “work on the Constitution” and lobbied the national and international recognition of the “state”, which it seeks to create in Syria, and the “elections” planned by PKK/YPG in the regions occupied by it are the tool for it. achievement of this goal.

The report emphasizes that the position of Turkey, the US approach and the resistance of the local population are a serious obstacle to the attempts of the RSC/YPG to gain legitimacy.

The report says that the United States behind closed doors made a warning group and demanded the cancellation of pseudo -elections. According to the author, this indicates two fundamental facts. “Firstly, the United States is not ready to officially recognize the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, created by YPG. Secondly, against the background of the current geopolitical conjuncture of the United States, they do not want tension in relations with Turkey due to YPG,” the document said.

Particular attention is paid to the fact that the United States strives to withdraw their forces from Syria, but at the same time they do not want to “appeal” the country of Iran, and the upcoming elections in the United States make an agreement between the two NATO allies (USA and Turkey). “It can be seen that the United States needs Turkey in the Syrian context and are not ready for the sake of YPG to spoil the improved bilateral relations with Turkey,” the report explains.