Representatives of Government of Azerbaijan again go to negotiations with peacekeepers

Azerbaijani specialists, aimed at the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan to investigate and monitor the situation with the illegal operation of natural resources and related environmental consequences, will continue to discuss with the command of Russian peacekeeping forces (RMK) in Khojaly, APA.

According to the agency, employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MPR), the State Property Service for the Ministry of Economy and AzerGold CJSC, in the continuation of the meeting held on December 3, will hold negotiations with the commander of the RMC Major General Andrei Volkovo in the headquarters of the peacekeeping in the headquarters of the peacekeeping Khojaly.

On Saturday, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan reported that the group of Azerbaijani experts was sent to the Karabakh region of the country, where Russian peacekeepers were temporarily deployed to investigate and monitor the situation with the illegal operation of natural resources and related environmental consequences. On the same day, employees of the MPR, civil service on property issues under the Ministry of Economy and AzerGold CJSC held negotiations with the command of peacekeepers in the headquarters of peacekeeping forces in Khojaly. Later Azerbaijani experts returned to the city of Shusha.

According to the IEPR, during the discussions in Khojaly, the serious fears and discontent of the Azerbaijani side were again expressed in connection with the illegal exploitation of minerals in the framework of illegal economic activity carried out in the territories of Azerbaijan, where Russian peacekeeping forces were temporarily deployed, as well as arising In this regard, environmental and other consequences. ” At the meeting, “the importance of monitoring, inventory of property and environmental research in deposits, where illegal mining is underway, was emphasized,” Azerbaijan was added to the IEPR.

“As a result of discussions conducted at the headquarters of peacekeeping forces in Khojaly, the preparation of a roadmap with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and other relevant institutions for work in the territory in these areas began,” the ministry said.