Researchers Discovered Identical Traces Of Dinosaurs In Africa And South America

more than 260 traces of dinosaurs found on the African and South American continents coincide, despite the fact that they are separated by about 6,000 kilometers.

This is stated in a study conducted at the Southern Methodist University (SMU).

A study published on the SMU website indicates that dinosaurs about 120 million years ago, more precisely, during the early Cretaceous period moved between Brazil and Cameroon.

more than 260 coinciding traces of dinosaurs were found on continents located at the two ends of the Atlantic Ocean about 6,000 kilometers from each other, which were formed after the split of Pangea.

In addition to coinciding prints, the researchers found evidence of the similarity of pools, rivers and lake formations in the Borborem region in Brazil and in the north of Cameroon.

One of the scientists conducting the study, Diana Weinjard said that most of the fossils found belong to three -fingered theuropod dinosaurs, and some to four -legged zauropodes and ornithopers.

The leading specialist of the study by Luis Jacobs, in turn, noted that the prints are very similar in age, form and geological condition.

A stating that the prints were petrified in alluvia and mud layers at the bottom of ancient lakes and rivers, Jacobs came to the conclusion that dinosaurs used this geological region between the two continents known today as South America and Africa, as a line of the transition between the two continents .

– prints spill light on behavior and habits of species

Jacobs claims that the fossils of dinosaurs and their prints give unique information about the species that roamed the planet millions of years ago. According to him, the remains shed light on such details as the habitat and habit of dinosaur power.

“Feet prints indicate the behavior of dinosaurs, about how they went or ran, with whom and in what situation, in which direction they went and where they were at the same time,” said the researcher.

noting that the level of precipitation at that time contributed to the formation of tropical rain forests with thick vegetation, Jacobs added that the animals came to the pools from modern Africa and from South America, and their populations mixed up.

The scientist believes that the divergence of the continents as a result of the separation of the supercontinent Pangea has led to the rupture of genetic continuity, which is the main driving force of evolution.