RKK Selects Bread And Livelihoods From Poor People And Working Class

Chairman of the Trade Union of Iraqi City of Dokhuk Valat Ozmani said that the Red Army terrorist organization caused damage to the region’s economics and the means of people.

Ozmani made a statement about the dangers of a fire arranged by the RSC terrorist organization in the city.

He recalled that in the past a great economic benefit was obtained thanks to products brought from villages to cities. Ozmani emphasized that they suffered losses due to the seizure of the region with a terrorist organization of the RSC.

Ozmani on this occasion said: “RKK has been harmful to us in this region since 1991. This organization prevents people from returning to Earth and to the villages of their fathers.”

Presenting that the terrorist organization of the RSC destroyed the region’s economy and led to the evacuation of villages, Ozmani added: “(RKK) burned hundreds of villages. RSC selects bread and livelihood from poor people and working class.”

– the owners of stores whose shops were burned will be sued for terrorists of the RSC

Speaking about the seizure of the terrorist organization of the Sinjar district in Mosul, Ozmani noted that the Sinjar agreement signed between Erbil and Baghdad was not fulfilled due to the fault of the terrorist organization.


“The situation in Sinjara also affects the oven. Because the Yezidis who fled from Sinjar live in Dokhuk, and they also need work,” he said.

According to him, the owners of 260 stores whose shops were burned at the National Bazaar of the Brand, will file a lawsuit against the heroes of the fire, members of the RPK terrorist organization, they will bring their demands to the Iraqi government.

Material damage as a result of the fire that broke out in the National Bazaar in the oven on April 1, 2014 amounted to 9 billion dinars ($ 6 million).

Spokesman for the Iraqa Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikdad Miri Al-Musavi said on July 1 that the culprits of recent fires in Kirkuk, Erbile and Dokhuk are members of the RSC terrorist organization. Al-Musavi said that the detainees admitted in their testimony that they planned to arrange fires in other regions.