Road police turned to drivers

The Main Department of the State Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan appealed to drivers leaving the regions.

As reported in management, due to the approach of the summer season, citizens are sent from the capital to the regions. And therefore there is an increase in the flow of transport both from the capital to the regions and in the opposite direction.

“during the analysis of road accidents that occurred recently on the roads, it has been established that in many cases drivers, without observing the mode of sleep and recreation during the day, manage vehicles tired, which leads to accidents with severe consequences. The main management of the State Road Police calls on the drivers not to sit behind the wheel in a sleepy, tired of the state, to make stops for a short time after every 2-3 hours of continuous movement, and also strictly observe the high-speed mode on the roads, “the handling says.

Also, the traffic police prevents that long-term, continuous management of the vehicle without compliance with the rest mode is a potential danger both for the drivers themselves and for the passengers and other participants in the movement.