Rosatom Is Implementing First Foreign Wind -energy Project In Kyrgyzstan

The Russian State Corporation Rosatom began to implement its first wind-energy project abroad, the press service of the state corporation reports.

“In the area of ​​the village of Kok Moynok-First Issyk-Kul region of the Kyrgyz Republic, a solemn ceremony was held to lay the capsule for the construction of the wind park” Rosatom “. Currently, wind measurements are held on the site. The start of construction of the wind park is planned for 2025. The facility is introduced. Operation is expected at the end of 2026, ”the statement said.

Top, the chairman of the Cabinet, the head of the presidential administration of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Zhaparov said, the republic is one of the regions with the greatest potential of renewable energy sources. “We did not use the energy of the wind, solar energy and the energy of biogas technologies in our consumption. We have more than 300 solar days a year, and the power of the local wind is reflected in folk legend,” he said.

In turn, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Alexei Overchuk noted that laying the capsule for the future wind park is another step in creating a new pure energy of the Kyrgyz Republic. According to him, the project became possible thanks to the joint work of Russia and Kyrgyzstan.

“The construction of a chickenpox and the use of pure chicken energy will reduce dependence on non -renewable energy sources, create the best competitive conditions, including for competition in world markets,” said Overchuk.