Rosen Plevneliev: “Balkan countries happily met victory of Azerbaijan over Armenia”

Former President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliyev is dissatisfied with an indifferent attitude of the European Union to the problem of restoring liberated areas of Azerbaijan.

As stated politician in an interview with, the European Union from the very beginning took a rather moderate and timid position in the Karabakh issue, expressing the underlined neutrality.

“as president of Bulgaria in 2012-2017, I criticized the EU position, which I considered flawed. I wanted the European Union: Armenia made aggression, a great injustice occurred and after 30 years, Azerbaijan could be eradicated. Now Azerbaijan himself restored justice and, finally, embodied the UN Security Council resolution. By the way, before the beginning of the second Karabakh war, I have time to show international organizations all the time, and in particular the UN, to show the will and take tough measures against Armenia. It was unacceptable that The UN member state of Armenia was so rudely ignored international law, “said the ex-president.

Politician called on the European Union to decisively condemn the Armenian aggression and support restoration work on the liberated territories: “I hope that as Azerbaijan will establish infrastructure, European officials will finally understand that Baku saves the authority of international law. Let the Baku save late, but the EU should take part in the restoration of Agdam, Fizuli, Jebrail and other liberated areas. “

According to Plevneliyev, the Balkan countries, victory from separatism and frozen conflicts, were happy to win Azerbaijan’s victory in the 44-day war. Bulgarians were delighted to resolve at least one frozen conflict in the post-Soviet space. “This is a good start,” – quotes the policy of