В Баку обсудили энергетическое сотрудничество Азербайджана и Греции

Министр экономики Азербайджана Микаил Джаббаров встретился с министром окружающей среды и энергетики Греции Костасом Скрекасом.

Об этом Джаббаров написал на своей странице в Twitter.

«Мы обсудили поощрение торговых связей и инвестиций между нашими странами, развитие сотрудничества в сфере энергетики», – написал министр.

During the meeting with Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece @KostasSkrekas, we discussed the promotion of the #trade relations and #investment-s between our countries, as well as the development of the cooperation in the field of #energy.#EconomyAz pic.twitter.com/HhOrcwTYae— Mikayil Jabbarov (@MikayilJabbarov) October 19, 2022 “>

During the meeting with Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece @KostasSkrekas, we discussed the promotion of the #trade relations and #investment-s between our countries, as well as the development of the cooperation in the field of #energy.#EconomyAz pic.twitter.com/HhOrcwTYae— Mikayil Jabbarov (@MikayilJabbarov) October 19, 2022

“>During the meeting with Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece @KostasSkrekas, we discussed the promotion of the #trade relations and #investment-s between our countries, as well as the development of the cooperation in the field of #energy.#EconomyAz pic.twitter.com/HhOrcwTYae— Mikayil Jabbarov (@MikayilJabbarov) October 19, 2022

AA report. Ссылка here.