Rumba: I could not convince Gorbachev to arrest Yeltsin

After the conclusion of Belovezhsky agreements on the collapse of the USSR, Vice-President of the RSFRS, Alexander Rutsk, attempted to convince the leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev to arrest participants in the signing of the contract, among whom was his immediate supervisor Boris Yeltsin. On this Rutsk told in an interview with

Rumba drew the attention of Gorbachev to the fact that the actions of the participants in the signing of agreements in Belovezhskaya Pushcha pledged under the Criminal Code.

“I told him:” This is treasoning homeland. Give me a plane, GRU special forces and I will bring these three traitors. In the sailor’s silence, there will be someone who gave them authority, and why Yeltsin immediately reported Bush that the Soviet Union was eliminated, “he said.

According to him, Gorbachev refused to take something to prevent the entry into force of agreements.

“You would see Gorbachev at that moment. He was covered with pipe stains, began to run around the office, show a finger into the ceiling and say something like:” What you carry, here everyone is listening “,” recalls Rutsku.