Russia again did not like Turkish tangerines

Rospotrebnadzor from October 29 will suspend the import of Turkish tangerines due to the exceedment of the maximum permissible level of the chlorpyryphic pesticide, reported on the department’s website.

“The Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights Protection and the well-being of a person revealed in food products” Mandarins of Fresh “… Violations of the mandatory requirements of legislation. In these mandarins, the residual amounts of the chlorpiffosic pesticide were found, the concentration of which exceeds the maximum allowable level” , – The report says, which quotes RIA Novosti.

Mandarins, in which they discovered the exceeding pesticide, were transported from Turkey. In order to prevent the proliferation of infection, their imports are decided to suspend.

Previously, the import of infected citrus from Turkey has repeatedly banned Rosselkhoznadzor.