Russia And DPRK Confirmed Need To Interact In Military Sphere

The leader of North Korea Kim Jong -un adopted in Pyongyang a military delegation led by Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Alexei Krivoruchko.

According to the North Korean News Agency (KCNA), during the meeting, Kim Jong -un and Krivoruchko emphasized the importance and need for military cooperation between North Korea and Russia to protect the interests of mutual security.

The meeting followed the recent visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to North Korea.

Kim said that the military of the two countries should “rally” to improve relations.

Putin’s visit with DPRK

Russian President Vladimir Putin made an official visit to the DPRK on June 19. According to the results of the visit between Moscow and Pyongyan, an agreement on comprehensive cooperation was signed.

The head of the Russian state said that the agreement signed by the Russian Federation and the DPRK on a comprehensive strategic partnership provides for the provision of mutual assistance in case of aggression against one of the participants, but at the same time avoided using the word alliance.

In turn, the DPRK leader Kim Jong -un called the “Pact” agreement and emphasized that relations between the two countries enter the period of new flow.