Russia And Ukraine Conducted Exchange Of Prisoners

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the return of 103 Russian military who were captured in the Kursk region from Kiev controlled by Kyiv.

on September 14 of this year as a result of the negotiation process with the territory controlled by the Kyiv regime, 103 Russian troops captured in the Kursk region were returned. In exchange, 103 military prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred, ”the Russian department said.

The Ministry of Defense noted that “at present, all Russian military personnel are located in the Republic of Belarus, where they are provided with the necessary psychological and medical care, as well as the opportunity to contact relatives.”

“All released military personnel will be delivered to the Russian Federation for treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In the return of Russian military personnel from captivity, the United Arab Emirates provided,” the report said.

In turn, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reported to Telegram – the channel for the return of another 103 Ukrainian military from Russian captivity. According to the president, Ukraine returned “82 ordinary and sergeants, 21 officers, defenders of the Kiev region, Donetsk, Mariupol and” Azovstal “, Luhansk region, Zaporozhye, Kharkovshchina, APU fighters, the National Guard of Ukraine, Border Guards, Police”.

On the eve of the President of Ukraine reported the return of 49 military and civilians from Russian captivity.