Russia announced priorities of chairmanship in CIS

Russia during the chairmanship of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) will work on strengthening cooperation in the military sector and the regional security region.

This is stated in the concept of the chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the CIS in 2024, which was published on Monday by the Kremlin press service.

In 2021-2025, it is planned to deepen interaction in the military and military-technical regions, deepen economic integration, make efforts to further strengthen the CIS as an integration association, increase its international authority, develop cooperation between the Commonwealth and other international organizations, as well as interested states.

The goal of increasing the role of the CIS as a representative platform for a multilateral political dialogue in a wide range of topics, including the coordination of foreign policy activities and the promotion of joint international initiatives, the development of the parliamentary measurement of the Commonwealth.

, was also set.

The chairmanship will be aimed at achieving such goals as improving the mechanisms of joint counteracting traditional and new challenges and threats to the security of the Commonwealth Participants, strengthening cooperation in the military sector and in the field of border security.

In the field of foreign policy interaction, it is planned to pay special attention to the strengthening of a positive image of the CIS in the international arena as a developing integration association, its adaptation to the new architecture of a multipolar world order.

An important area of ​​activity will be the “external” positioning of the CIS, the development of its connections with friendly states, international organizations and associations, in particular, with the Eurasian Economic Union, the organization of the collective security agreement, the Shanghai organization of cooperation, the interstate association of BRICS, the Asian forum -Tihoocaian economic cooperation “and others.

Russia will also pay special attention to issues of import substitution and expansion of commodity exchanges, economic aspects of the climatic agenda; minimizing the negative consequences of sanctions, jointly opposition to challenges and threats, including in the field of biological security.

The priorities of the Russian Chairmanship in the CIS were to ensure energy security, as well as the effective use of energy resources and opportunities for international energy trade to increase the competitiveness of national economies.