Russia celebrates state holiday – Russia Day

It is possible to solve the large -scale tasks that are faced with Russia only together, only together, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the awarding ceremony of labor heroes and laureates of state awards for 2023.

According to the Kremlin’s website, on the day of Russia in the George Hall of the Big Kremlin Palace, the President of the Russian Federation traditionally presented the gold medals of the “Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation” and state prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding achievements in human rights and charitable activities for 2023.

Speaking at the ceremony, the president noted that Russian statehood experienced many complex, even tragic periods, but the Russian people “always defeated all the difficulties, obstacles and hardships, created, multiplied the grandeur of the Fatherland.”

“It is possible to solve the large -scale tasks that are facing our country only together, only together. And a huge role here is played by a personal example of talented, smart, successful people who are ready to do everything in their power, for the sake of the common good,” – Putin said.

On June 12, Russia celebrates the state holiday – the Day of Russia.

On this day in 1990, the I congress of people’s deputies of the RSFSR adopted a declaration of state sovereignty of the RSFSR. According to the document in the RSFSR, the equality of political parties and public organizations was recognized, the principle of separation of powers was proclaimed, the supremacy of the Constitution of the RSFSR and the laws of the RSFSR throughout the RSFSR was declared, the need was recognized as the need to expand the rights of autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, as well as the Krai and regions of the RSFSR.

The day of adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty began to be called Independence Day. On June 2, 1994, the president of that period, Boris Yeltsin issued a decree announcing the day of the adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR (i.e. June 12) by the Russian holiday. And in 1998, the President of the Russian Federation in his appeal on June 12 invited the Russians to call the day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty Day of Russia. However, officially this name will be received only after the entry into force of the new Labor Code on February 1, 2002.

In various regions of Russia, all kinds of events are organized on the occasion of the holiday. In Moscow on Red Square there are celebrations that end with a festive salute.