Russia: deficit of expensive drugs is growing

By the beginning of April, the Ministry of Health of Russia almost exhausted the budget for the purchase of drugs under the state program for 14 high-cost nosologies for the current year. However, it was not possible to close fully need for funds, so the structure of the ministry announced additional state procurements for 23 billion rubles at the expense of money allocated for 2023-2024, Kommersant writes.

The publication notes that the deficit of financing the program is growing: last year the government has already had to allocate an additional 9 billion rubles.

According to the materials of the state procurement, FCE “Federal Center for Planning and Organization of Medicinal Services of Citizens, the Ministry of Health is ready to spend on the purchase of medicines for the treatment of hemophilia, oncohematological diseases and sclerosis this year this year is 23 billion rubles from the funds stated in the budget 2023-2024.

These diseases are included in the program “14 high-cost nosologies” (14 PG). New auctions could be required due to the actual exhaustion by the beginning of April budget for 2022 on the program 14 POS.

This practice is connected with the underfunding of the program, says the co-chairman of the All-Russian Union of Patients (VSP) Yuri Zhulev. In 2021, the VSPA estimated the deficit of the program, taking into account the need for advance procurement for the first quarter of next year in 20 billion rubles.

In the Ministry of Health, Kommersant reported that the purchases of 14 POS were held in accordance with the declared need of regions, “including to ensure the rebound period for subsequent periods.” All patients will be fully assumed to assure in the ministry.