Russia Limited Import Of Wheat, Tomatoes And Melons From Kazakhstan

Rosselkhoznadzor from October 17, 2024 introduced temporary restrictions on the import of wheat, lentils, tomatoes, peppers and melons from the Republic of Kazakhstan. The corresponding decision of the Rosselkhoznadzor is published on the website of the department.

“From October 17, 2024, enter temporary restrictions on the import into the territory of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Kazakhstan: wheat (soft and solid), lentils, oil flax seeds, with the exception of grain transit, provided that the Kazakhstan side of phytosanitary certificates directly to the country’s country The appointments of the grain of Kazakhstani from the railway of the vessel of the vessel;

According to the press release of the department, the decision was made in connection with the failure to accept measures by the competent departments of Kazakhstan and in order to ensure phytosanitary security of the territory of Russia. “The Rosselkhoznadzor informed about the decision of the Kazakhstan side, authorized bodies of the state -member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), as well as interested federal executive bodies of Russia,” the report said.

According to the agency, since the beginning of 2024, 215 cases of detection of quarantine for countries – members of the EAEU incarantine products received in Russia from Kazakhstan were revealed, which is four times higher than the indicator of the same period of 2023.