Russia warned Japan about countermeasures in connection with military exercises

Russia expressed Japan protest in connection with plans for military exercises among Russian borders and warned about adequate countermeasures to strengthen its defense capabilities.

This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

“On June 28, the Japanese Embassy in Russia stated a decisive protest in connection with the plans of the Japanese authorities for holding a series of joints jointly with Germany and Spain of Military exercises on the Fr. Hokkaido – in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the Russian Federation” – said the ministry.

“emphasized that the irresponsible policy of the administration of the Prime Minister Fumio Kisida puts Tokyo on the path of dangerous escalation of tension in North-East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole,-said the Russian Foreign Ministry.-warned of adequate counter-resistance and strengthening defense capabilities and Protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation “.

the Japanese side “is indicated by the categorical inadmissibility of provocative military activity in the Far Eastern borders of Russia, which is carried out, including in interaction with non -regional NATO members.” “We regard such activity as a potential threat to the security of the Russian Federation,” the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasizes.

Japan’s air defense forces in July plans to conduct individual exercises with the Air Force of France, Germany and Spain.