Russian Air Force Attacked 27 Targets In Syrian Idlib

In the period from October 14 to 16, the Russian Air Force stated for 27 targets in the Idlib Khon de-escalation in the province of Idlib in the north-west of Syria.

This is stated in the message of the “Aviation Observatory”

It is noted that Russian combat aircraft over the last days has activated Idlib shelling after about a three -month break.

The 26 positions of the Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham (KHTSh)

group were attacked against the Syrian regime.

Russian military aircraft also fired at the electric distribution center in the village of Ain-Az-Zarka.

As a result of the attacks of the Bashar al -Assad regime for the Etarib district in the west of Aleppo and the Maarbellit village in the south of Idlib, 2 civilians have died over the past two days, including the child. Another 8 civilians were injured.

The situation in Idlib

At a meeting in Astana in 2017, Turkey, Russia and Iran agreed to create 4 “de -escalation zones” in a territory not controlled by the Syrian government.

The Syrian administration supported by Iran terrorists and Russia continued the offensive, capturing 3 out of 4 zones and turning towards Idlib.

In September 2018, Türkiye reached an additional agreement with Russia on strengthening the ceasefire, but in May 2019, attacks intensified again. After the conclusion of a new agreement between Turkey and Russia on March 5, 2020, the ceasefire is mainly preserved.

About 2 million civilians who were saved from attacks in 2017-2020 were forced to migrate to areas located near the Turkish border.