Russian Federation is interested in cooperation with Turkey in field of amber industry

Russia is interested in cooperation with Turkey in the field of amber industry. This was announced in an interview with Anadolu correspondent by the head of the Amber Raw Material Service of the Kaliningrad Amber Plant Rostec Maxim Lomakin.

According to Lomakin, the two countries already have experience in cooperation in this area, since earlier the Kaliningrad plant had Turkish counterparties, but due to external circumstances, relations were not developed.

“In about 2020-2021, even before the Pandemia of Coronavirus, we had cooperation with Turkey. Then our colleagues bought certain volumes, about six thousand tons of amber raw. But, as in many other areas, the pandemic has introduced Other things came to the fore, ”he said.

Lomakin noted that in addition to the unprocessed mineral, Turkish partners were also interested in blanks from it, such as beads for a fact.

The representative of the Kaliningrad plant also noted that Turkish partners have clear color preferences, they choose a transparent “black varnish color”.

According to Lomakin, at the moment, Russian amber can be bought in two ways – at the exchange and auction, both methods are available for foreigners.

“Such methods of selling the product were selected in order to avoid corruption schemes, they allow you to make maximum transparency into the process,” he said.

Such a policy provides equal starting conditions and the same opportunities for all potential buyers, ”the representative of the Kaliningrad plant explained.

Lomakin also drew attention to the difficulties with payment from abroad, which are observed due to the introduced international sanctions. At the same time, the representative of the Kaliningrad plant noted that if you wish, you can always find some kind of interchange. At least this does not interfere with other countries, ”said Lomakin’s confidence.

“Amber is very popular in China, perhaps this is our largest foreign buyer. In this country, matte amber is loved. We also have active cooperation with other countries of Asia and the Middle East,” he said.

Lomakin noted that Russia and Turkey are actively and successfully interact in various industries, finding solutions for the most difficult issues.

“I see no obstacles to develop mutually beneficial cooperation based on the principles of respect in the amber industry,” he concluded.

according to the classification of IMA (International Mineralogical Association), amber belongs to fossilly resins. It also belongs to the Neolithic era and has more than 300 varieties.