Russian Foreign Minister Urged To Carefully Treat Calls To “cross Out UN Charter”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called with caution to the calls to “change the Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations and cross out the UN Charter.”

“I would ask our other partners to relate to the calls to cross out the UN Charter, to start writing something new, to arrange some processes that no one can control,” said the head of the foreign policy at a meeting of the observation and trustees of the MGIMO Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

According to the minister, the UN Charter is “this is a criterion of equality, a criterion of justice.” “Another thing is that few have performed it from our Western colleagues, but this does not mean that you need to break everything and not build anything again,” Lavrov said.

In his opinion, the processes that go in the world require increased attention to the UN. “Now there is a lot of talk that the Yalta system is outdated, we must forget about the UN Charter, share the world in a new way,” the minister explained.

Lavrov noted that new centers of power have “appeared in the world, which should participate in achieving agreements on how to live on.” “But at the basis of how to live on, of course, fair principles should be lying. They are all concluded in the UN Charter: sovereign equality of states, non -interference in internal affairs, the right of peoples to self -determination, territorial integrity, human rights, including linguistic and religious,” the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation added.