Russian Foreign Ministry said “ostentatious” concern of US by children in “Special operation” zone

Washington’s ostentatious concern with children in the “Special Military Operation” zone is caused, first of all, by the fact that the American authorities considered Ukraine as one of the main sources of international adoption of children. This is stated in the report of the Russian Foreign Ministry on violations of children’s rights in the process of international adoption in the United States, in the Wednesday website, July 12,

“This topic acquired special acuteness after the forced beginning of the Russian Federation” Special Military Operation “on the demilitarization and denacing of Ukraine and the protection of Donbass,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The department emphasized that the United States remain the only state that has not ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which enshrines the basic standards of a comprehensive protection of children’s rights.

“The process of international adoption in the United States is an opaque, corrupt, subject to political neocolonial conjuncture. In particular, the American authorities (both democratic and republican) stubbornly refuse to conclude the appropriate bilateral agreements with the states of the origin of adoptive children, lobbying their annexation to profitable Americans of the 1993 profile Hague Convention and promoting the formation of the International Adopter Services Market according to the neocolonial scheme: “Developing countries -countries of the Western countries are the host,” outlined in the Foreign Ministry

At the same time, the Russian department indicated that “the US State Department systematically silent numerous resonant violations of criminal, administrative, migration, social legislation of the United States, which took place in the adoption of Russian children, without reflecting this information in their annual specialized reports.”

“is forced to summarize that the US attempts to position itself in the international arena, among the main champions of children’s rights, are not backed up either by the appropriate internal legislative framework, or law enforcement practice. The systems built in the United States in the field of protection of children’s rights are inadequate. It is about the time of time. system spaces indicating insufficient protection of children in the United States as a whole. Neither parents, nor the state legal system, nor American public organizations are able to guarantee the protection of the rights and interests of children at a level that meets international standards, ”the department said.