Sandstorm rages in Mongolia: six dead, dozens of missing

Six people were killed, more than 80 others were missing due to a sandstorm in Mongolia. This was reported on March 15 by the CGTN TV channel with reference to the country’s Department of Emergency Situations.

According to the report, five shepherds and one child were among the dead. Also received information about 548 missing persons. Already 467 people have been found, currently rescuers are searching for 81 people.

According to the TV channel, large-scale power outages are reported in some areas in western Mongolia as a result of a sandstorm.

Previously it was reported that a sandstorm hit Beijing. Because of the storm, traffic jams have formed on the roads of Beijing, the visibility in the city does not exceed 1000 m. The authorities have declared a yellow hazard level within the city. Residents are not advised to hold outdoor events or leave the premises unless absolutely necessary.