Scientists have declared a new number of antibodies that protect from Covid-19

Your version of what the level of antibodies should be in a person to be protected from coronavirus infection, expressed on Thursday, November 25, head of the Department of Virology MSU Olga Karpova. She also suggested which the following infection can with a lot of probability to come to the SARS-COV-2 shift, writes “Moscow Komsomolets”.

According to Olga Vyacheslavovna, who made a report in Moscow State University, after a few months ago, WHO developed international conventional units to designate the level of antibodies to Coronavirus (BAU) to the discrepancies in this matter.

– Now it is clear, “says Olga Karpova, – in order to neutralize the Wuhan version of SARS-COV-2 is enough 30 units of BAU, South African option – 150 Bau, for the delta on our calculations (here I am on the academician Alexander Ginzburg, designating the figure of 300 BAU) rather more – 450-500 bau.

The scientist also placed all the points over the I on animal disease. So, the pigs are infected with COVID-19 only with experimental infectiousness, the clinical manifestations of the disease are not observed, the virus does not transmit relatives. The poultry is exactly the picture of the pigs in accuracy. But the dogs have the opportunity to become infected in nature, but they carry COVID-19 without symptoms and do not transmit each other. Perhaps one of the highest levels of coronavirus perception – cats and macaques. They are infected, and are sick with clinical manifestations, and transmit a virus to each other.

Among other issues related to coronavirus infection, the professor has affected the virus, which may be replaced by SARS-COV-2. According to Karpova, this is a SADS virus, which is 95% similar to the SARS-COV virus and appeared in the same Guandon province as that. Like the SARS-COV virus, Sads is associated with coronavirus volatile mice Rhinolophus HKU2. It is transmitted through the faeces of rims in pigs and causes them the attacks of acute diarrhea. Piglets under 5 days die from it with a probability of up to 90%.

The first flash originated in 2017, where it led to the death of more than 24,000 piglets on 4 farms. In 2018 and 2019, the virus again appeared in China, but there was no large-scale loss. In people, fortunately, this virus was not found, but studies have shown that it is able to multiply in human cell culture. Perhaps a gear ratio from which the virus will go to a person will become a pig. To the question, as we protect yourself from a new virus, the scientist answered: “Vaccinated and in time to revocated.”