Scientists have found a way to cure most aggressive form of cancer

Scientists managed to cure the most aggressive form of cancer experimentally – small cell cancer of the lung. According to Cancer Discovery magazine, the study was conducted by employees of the University of Washington in St. Louis, the University of Grenoble-Alp and Texas University.

The specialists managed to stop the growth of tumors in mice, combining a new medicine with an outdated drug.

Doctors transplanted the Human SCLC cells and conducted one group with cyclophosphamide treatment, the other – SMYD3 inhibitor, the third with both drugs, and the fourth was not treated at all. As a result, the mice, which were given both cyclophosphamide and Smyd3, ceased to grow tumors. Such treatment has demonstrated good results in the case of tumors in a person in whom cancer has developed resistance to chemotherapy.

Light cell cancer is most often found in smokers, the tumor quickly develops resistance to drugs.