Scientists have found a way to grow new teeth

Japanese researchers have developed a technique for growing teeth. The technology is already tested on animals. This is stated in the article published in Science Advances Scientific Journal.

Treatment technique is monoclonal antibodies that force the body to grow new teeth. The study showed that the blocking of the USAG-1 gene provokes an increase in the activity of bone morphogenetic protein. These molecules are responsible for regulating the growth of organs and tissues.

At the same time, interference with this protein can cause serious side effects. However, scientists checked a number of monoclonal antibodies that change the ability of USAG-1 to reaction with bone morphogenetic protein, and found a specific antibody that does not cause side effects.

The technique was successfully checked on laboratory mice and ferrets whose teeth are similar to human. “Our next plan is to check antibodies on other animals, such as pigs and dogs,” the authors of the study said.