Scientists: In ancient Egypt, they tried to treat cancer

The ancient Egyptians tried to remove cancer tumors from their heads. This conclusion was reached by an international group of scientists led by the Spanish Paleopathologist Edgard Kamaros from the University of Santiago de Compostel, having studied two human skulls with a age of 4 thousand years.

Researchers examined both skulls using 3D-microscopy of high resolution.

Smiles of tumors were found inside the bones of the skulls, as well as several dozen metastases.

In addition, paleopathologists revealed traces of healed cuts on the surface of the bones of the skull of a man aged 30-35 years in the vicinity of tumors. This allowed scientists to conclude that ancient Egyptian healers tried to remove cancer formations or at least studied their nature.

The results of the study are published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Medicine.