Scientists offered an unusual remedy for Covid-19

Brazilian scientists found out that Kurkumin (natural alkaloid, which is contained in the root of turmeric) can be used as a means against coronavirus. The study was published in the magazine Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy.

Kurkumin has long been known as anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant and antiviral agent. This is due to the ability of the alkaloid to suppress viral enzymes, as well as modulate inflammatory processes caused by infection. In a number of studies, it is noted that Kurkumin suppresses a viral protease more efficiently other natural products and can be used to relieve hepatitis C viruses, human immunodeficiency (HIV), Epstein-Barra and flu A, Russian newspaper writes.

Experts note that the problem of using curcumin to combat coronavirus is that the substance is poorly dissolved in water and is unstable in acidic and alkaline environments, so when used as a food additive, it is quickly decomposed and excluded through the intestines and liver.

The authors of the study propose to solve this problem through the use of curcumin in the composition of nano-emulsions, nanogels, and nanoparticles, which will help to prevent the metabolic disintegration of nurses and increase its solubility.