Scotland independence supporters win on parliamentary elections

The independence of Scotland’s independence was expected to have received most of the places in the parliament of the region, but the victory was not deafening, testifying the data of the counting of votes on the past 6 of the elections, RIA Novosti reports.

Previously, the authorities of Scotland declared their intention to spend in 2021 the second referendum on independence. The central authorities stated that they would not allow this. By law, permission to hold such a referendum should give London.

As of 18.30 local time, voices are calculated in 87 districts from 129: Nationalists from the Scottish National Party (SNP) receive 63 places (from 129) in parliament or 47.7% of the votes, conservatives – 12 seats and 21.9 %, Laborists – 21.6%, or 6 seats. The result of SNP is expected, however, the party stated an intention to get an absolute majority in parliament, which could not be done.

The leader of the party and the first Minister of the Region of Nicola Sverdzen proclaimed the victory of the party, calling it outstanding.

“Most of all I want to thank the residents of Scotland for the confidence in me and the party. We will do everything to justify it,” said Sterdzhen, commenting on journalists counting votes.

She confirmed the intention to hold a new referendum on independence and stated that London’s refusal would be an attack on Scotland.

“Any politician in Westminster, who will try to stop the referendum will start an attack on Scotland,” added the first minister.