Senate Approved Dag Bergam To Post Of Head Of US Department Of Internal Affairs

The former Governor of Northern Dakota and businessman Dag Bergam, whose candidacy was nominated by US President Donald Trump, was approved by the Senate to the post of head of the US Department of Internal Affairs.

Bergam’s candidacy was approved by 79 votes “FOR” and 18 – “Again.”

Bergam became the next member of the Trump administration, who received the approval of the US Senate after Secretary of State Marco Rubio, Director of the Central Intelligence Directorate (CIA) John Ratcliffe, Minister of Defense of Pete Hegset and Minister of Finance Scott Istone.

National Security and Economics issues are priority

At the hearing, according to his candidacy on January 16, Bergam said that dominance in the energy sector is fundamental to the prosperity of the American people, and issues of national security and economy are priority for him.

In addition, Bergam expressed concern about the reliability of renewable energy sources.

According to the politician, the United States should produce more energy from continuously working sources, such as coal and nuclear energy.