Seoul announced “new evidence” of illegal imports of Russian Federation of North Korean weapons

Seoul revealed the “new evidence” of the illegal import of Russia of North Korean weapons for use in conflict in Ukraine.

This was announced by the Minister of Defense of South Korea Sin Vaon-Sik at the largest Safety Safety forum in the Asia-Pacific region.

Military cooperation of Russia and North Korea strengthened tension on the Korean peninsula, influenced the situation on the battlefield in Europe, said the head of the South Korean defense department, speaking at the session of the “way to improve anti -crisis management.”

Weapons and Pyongyan weapons are a clear violation of the UN Security Council resolutions, Sin Won-Sick emphasized. This must be immediately stopped for the sake of peace on the Korean peninsula, he noted.

If North Korea continues to receive military technologies from Russia, “improving the conventional military capabilities of North Korea will be an inevitable risk,” the minister


answering the question of the possibility of creating South Korea of ​​its own nuclear weapons, the head of the department said that Seoul relies on the potential of the agreement on non -proliferation of nuclear weapons.

“A stronger alliance of the United States and South Korea could be a response to North Korea’s nuclear activity,” Sin Won -Sick emphasized, adding that North Korea needs to completely denuclearize.