Shabanov killed his wife and called police

The Ganjani Court of Criminal Crime has completed the lawsuit in the criminal case of a 37-year-old resident of the Goygöl district Sabir Shabanov, accused of the murder of his wife.

According to haqqı, the incident occurred on June 4 of this year in Ganja. A resident of the city 32-year-old Guluzar Gasanova was stabbed with her husband Sabir Shabanov.

In court, the accused said that he committed the murder on the basis of jealousy and that he regrets his deed. Having killed his wife, Shabanov immediately called the police and confessed everything.

Mother of the murdered all the conversations about the marital infidelity of the daughter of her daughter offended and demanded the most severe punishment for the defendant.

by a decision of the court, Sabir Shabanov was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months of a maximum security colony.