The share of the female population in Turkey is 49.98 percent. This is evidenced by the data from the Institute of Statistics of Turkey (Tüi̇k), presented in the study “Women in Statistics, 2024”
According to Tüi̇k, the share of the female population is 49.98 percent (42,811,843 people), and the male is 50.02 percent (42 853 110).
Due to the fact that women live longer, the proportional balance between men and women changes in favor of women, starting with an age group of 60 years and older.
So, the share of the female population amounted to 52 percent in the age group 60-74 years and 69.1 percent – in the age group 90 years and older.
According to the results of the national database of education statistics, an increase in the share of the population aged 25 years and older, which received at least one level of education, was observed in the period 2008-2023
The share of persons in the age group is 25 years old and older, having at least one level of education, increased from 75.1 percent in 2008 to 92.2 percent in 2022.
At the same time, the share of women in the age group is 25 years old and older, who completed at least one level of education in 2008, amounted to 67.5 percent, while among men this figure was 82.8 percent. In 2023, this figure reached 87.8 percent among women and 96.8 percent among men.