Sherali Kabir: We want to completely integrate and unite economies of Tajikistan and Turkey

Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan Sherali Kabir, quoting the words of Mevlana, said: “We came to unite. In this sense, we want to completely integrate and unite Tajikistan and Turkey. The economy of the two countries can supplement each other.”

Business Forum Turkey-Tajikistan was held in the Tobb Twin Towers in Ankara with the participation of the Minister of Industry and Technology of Mehmetha Kajyr Mehmet, the Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan Sherali, the Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of Tajikistan Sultan Rakhimzade, the President of the Council of Council foreign economic relations (Dei̇k) Nailya Olpak and other officials.

The Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan Kabir in his speech said that favorable conditions were prepared for Turkish businessmen and investors in his country.

Paying attention to the development achieved by Tajikistan in recent years in areas such as economics and industry, Minister Kabir said that the necessary infrastructures have been prepared in the field of trade.

noting that Tajikistan has “good relations” with Central Asian countries, Kabir said that thanks to the agreements on free trade between Tajikistan and some of these countries and relations with neighboring countries, such as China, Turkey can easily supply products manufactured In Tajikistan, in this region.

Emphasizing the development of the production of “green” energy in Tajikistan, Minister Kabir continued: “green” electricity also prepares the soil and makes it possible for the development of the “green economy”.

Minister of Kabir, saying that they want to equip Tajikistan with new technologies in the field of industry: “In this sense, we want to use Turkish technologies. We have general historical points of contact.”

“In this sense, we want to completely integrate and unite Tajikistan and Turkey. The economy of the two countries can complement each other. All conditions are prepared for you to come to Tajikistan and take advantage of its capabilities. We want to be your partners. Your trade in Tajikistan will certainly develop and grow every day, ”he said.