Ship MSC Aurelia, where residents of distress zone were located, left Lenerunrun

The ship MSC Aurelia, which became a house for the victims during the February earthquakes with epicenters in Kamhramanmarash, left the Port of Lykenderun in southern Turkey.

MSC Aurelia moored in Iskenderun on February 21, delivering a humanitarian cargo from the Italian Napoli for victims in the distress zone in Turkey.

In addition, more than 1000 victims from the natural disaster zone were temporarily placed on board the vessel. Here they were provided with three meals a day.

In connection with the departure of MSC Aurelia, an event was held on board with the participation of the regional director of the MSC company Ugur Tosuner and the Logistic Director of Medlog. The captain of the ship Dmitry Rus was awarded a letter of thanks for the help and dedication in the work to assist the victims.

injured from the earthquake zone living on board the ship, if desired, was distributed on container and tent camps and on board the Karadeniz Lifeship Sultan.

more than 50 thousand people became victims of earthquakes on February 6 with the epicenter in Turkish Khramanmarash.