Ships of Russian Navy arrived in Havana

A detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet, including the Frigate “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union of Gorshov”, completed the exercises to use high -precision weapons and arrived in the port of Havana. This is stated in the message of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to the report, a few hours before entering the port of Cuba, a heterogeneous tactical ship’s shock group consisting of a frigate “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union of Gorshov” and the atomic underwater missile cruiser of the Kazan Project 885M completed the doctrine of the use of high -precision missile weapons.

The department noted that during the exercises, the crews of the frigate and the atomic submarine worked out the use of high -precision missile weapons by the method of computer modeling for marine targets denoting ship groups of a conditional enemy and located at a distance of more than 600 kilometers.

The Ministry of Defense added that the Ka-27 ship helicopter, raised from the side of the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, was used to issue targets during the exercises.

Premier League “Kazan” conducted training, being in an underwater position.