Since Beginning Of Year, Turkish Honey Has Been Put On Counters Of 45 Countries

In January-June 2024, Turkish honey was put on the shelves of 45 countries of the world, autonomous and free zones.

This was reported by Anadolu with reference to the Union of Exporters of the East Black Sea region of Turkey (DKİb).

During the specified period, a product was exported from the country in the amount of 17,243,866 dollars.

The TOP-3 importers of Turkish honey entered the USA, Germany and Canada.

In January -June, honey was put on more than $ 6.3 million, and in Germany and Canada – worth more than 4.4 million or more than 812 million, respectively.

, unlike last year, in the first half of 2024, the supply of honey was also carried out to the markets of countries such as: Slovenia, Hungary, Iraq, Bangladesh, Chnhiya, Morocco, Albania and Nepal.

Chairman of the Board of DKİB, Suffet Kalendju, in an interview with Anadolu, noted that honey is one of the important products of the production and export of Turkey.

He noted the importance of ensuring the stability of honey exports, adding that the export of honey will continue to grow until the end of the year, depending on the improvement of the situation in world markets.