Son of US President Biden was found guilty of illegal acquisition of weapons

Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, was found guilty of all three points of charge associated with the illegal acquisition of weapons.

The case of Hunter Biden was considered by the jury in Wilmington in the American state of Delaware. The results of discussions, the jury court found his son Biden guilty of all three points of the prosecution. In frequency, we are talking about false information in the federal questionnaire when buying weapons, as well as illegal storage of weapons within 11 days.

Judge Mariellen Noreyka, who is conducting the case, has the right to appoint Hunter Biden a imprisonment of up to 25 years, but the verdict may be softened due to the fact that the defendant first committed a crime. Therefore, it is still unclear whether Judge Hunter Bayden will be sentenced to imprisonment.

Hunter Biden will also have a court in California on charges of tax failure of $ 1.4 million.