Sovereign Fund Of Norway Has Invested More Than $ 1.5 Billion In Company In Turkey

As of the end of 2024, the Sovereign Welfare Fund of Norwegia worth almost 1.75 trillion dollars invested $ 1 billion 573 million 659 thousand dollars in the shares of some Turkey companies.

As Anadolo reports with reference to the data of Norges Bank, which runs the Norwegian Welfare Fund, last year the Fund used part of its assets to acquire shares of 44 companies operating in various fields.

The total investment of the Sovereign Foundation of Norway, the largest welfare fund in the world, in the campaign of Turkish companies reached 1 billion 573 million 659 thousand dollars, while Türkiye Petrol Rafineri Aivers and Astor Enerji. << /p>

The cost of the share of the Fund partnership in two of these energy companies is estimated at about 90 million dollars.

The largest investments entered Koç Holding

Koç Holding Aş received the largest investment of the Norwegian Welfare Fund in Turkey. The fund, which owns 0.90% of Koç Holding shares, invested in the company a total of about $ 115.6 million

The Fund invested 113 million $ 539 thousand in the AKBANK campaign, 111 million 381 thousand dollars – BIXM BIRLE YEXIK MAXAZALAR Aş, $ 82 million in Turkish Airlines (Thy) and 77 million 420 thousand dollars of dollars – in the Turkcell action.

The largest share in the Turkish portfolio of the Fund is on MLP Sağlık Hizmetleri Aş, in which it is a partner with a share of 3.10 percent and investments of 63 million 971 thousand dollars.

This company is followed by the company of the chemical industry AKSA Acrylic and ̇ş yatırım with a share of 3 percent each. The total volume of investments tied to shares of these companies reached 42 million $ 644 thousand and 62 million 308 thousand dollars, respectively.

The Fund invested in 63 countries in 2024

The Norwegian Welfare Fund has been sent to Turkey in small shares since 2001, and since 2008 he increased his investments in the shares of Turkish companies.

The Norwegian Welfare Fund has been investing in shares, bonds and real estate markets since 1990, using income from oil and natural gas production in the country.

The Norwegian government can use only a small part of the fund’s income, while the remaining majority is preserved for future generations.

The fund invested in 8659 companies in 63 countries last year, and in recent years he actively invested in projects in the field of renewable energy sources.

As of December 31, 2024, the market value of the fund was 19 trillion 755 billion Norwegian crowns (1 trillion 744 billion US dollars).

The Norwegian Welfare Fund is also interested in shares of large companies operating in transport, chemical, automobile, software and steel sectors of Turkey.

The Fund increased the volume of investment in Turkey from $ 485 million to $ 1.2 billion in 2021 and to $ 1.3 billion in 2023.

Investments in the amount of 1 billion 573 million 659 thousand dollars sent this year, became the largest amount of investment of the Fund in Turkey.