Spaceship of Turkish astaserevican astashever is starting on June 8

Turkish astronaut Tuva Jihangir Atasevers on Saturday, June 8 will go into space as part of a suborbital flight.

According to the information collected by an anadol correspondent, the launch of Spaceport from the SpacePort cosmodrome, located in the state of New Mexico (USA), is scheduled for 08.30 local time of the United States (17.30 Turkish time).

Atasevert will go into space on board the Virgin Galactic Virgin Galactic Cosmoplan VSS Unity as part of the Galactic 07 team. Along with the Atasverage on board the VSS Unity, two astronauts from the USA will be located, one from Italy, as well as two pilots.

A special carrier plane will raise a spaceplant to a height of about 45 thousand feet. After that, the VSS Unity will disconnect from it, and through the inclusion of a hybrid rocket engine within one minute it will reach a height of 90 kilometers. The flight duration will take about 1 hour 10 minutes.

It is planned that the Atasevert will conduct about 7 experiments in the conditions of microgravity in the free fall phase lasting about 3 minutes.

Experiments from radiation analysis to testing insulin syringes

The astronaut spacesuit is specially designed for three experiments.

As part of the Beacon visualization experiment, at all stages of flight, astronage will wear on the head a device for measuring spectroscopy of the near infrared range. This will allow for almost an hour and a half to study the dynamics of blood flow in the prefrontal bark and spinal fluid. In addition, the experiment will help to consider traces of the “Overview Effect)- psychological changes caused by the observation of the Earth from a remote point or space.

Ataseever will also test on the dosimeter of IVMeRAD radiation to measure the level of radiation radiation to which he has undergone.

Another experiment, the “Test with an insulin syringe” (Uzi̇kat), is the result of cooperation by Tua and the American space company Axiom Space. Its purpose is to determine how effective two different insulin handles placed in special packaging can introduce the required dose in the conditions of microgravity. The experiment is directed that people suffering from diabetes mellitus can take part in flights to space stations in the future.

Another experiment, which is called “Vesicula in suborbital flight (YuVA),” will include the collection of samples of extracellular bubbles of the astronaut before and after the flight.

through the Message experiment, the effect of microgravity on human physiology will be measured, and the Metabolom experiment will help shed light on biomolecular changes caused by cosmic flight.

The task of the Miyeloid experiment is to study changes in cell groups that suppress the reaction of the immune system during inflammatory diseases.

Experiments in the framework of Message, Metabolom and Miyeloid, which were included in the mission of the Turkish astronaut of Alper Geezeravja, will also take place in the suborbital research mission of Atasevert.