SpaceX Plans To Send Five StarsHip Unmanned Missiles To Mars For Two Years

SpaceX plans to send five Starship unmanned missiles to Mars until 2026. This was announced by American billionaire Ilon Musk on the social network X.

He noted that if rockets are successfully landing on the planet, then manned missions can be launched for four years. However, in case of difficulties, these missions can be postponed for two years, he added.

Musk also emphasized that SpaceX intends to increase the number of spacecraft going to Mars.

“We want to make anyone who dreams of traveling into space can go to Mars,” he said.

At the same time, Musk expressed concern about “bureaucratic obstacles” that may affect the Starship program.

He stated that if the US Vice President and the presidential candidate from the Democrats of Kamal Harris will win the elections, these obstacles may increase.

“It is obvious that the bureaucracy suffocating America will only increase under the control of the Democratic Party,” Musk said.